Colombia's minimum wage for 2016

$ 689,455.00 COP

Six hundred and eighty-nine thousand, four hundred and fifty-five

Yearly increase: 7.00 % ($ 45,105.00 COP)

Monthly minimum wage + monthly transport subsidy: $ 767,155.00 COP

Daily Minimum Wage Colombia 2016

$ 22,981.83 COP

twenty-two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-one point eight three three three three three three three three

Hourly Minimum Wage Colombia 2016

$ 2,872.73 COP

two thousand, eight hundred and seventy-two point seven two nine one six six six six six seven

Colombia's Minimum wage table


Minimum wage equivalent Value
0.5 x minimum wage $ 344,727.50
1 minimum wage $ 689,455.00
2 x minimum wage $ 1,378,910.00
3 x minimum wage $ 2,068,365.00
4 x minimum wage $ 2,757,820.00
5 x minimum wage $ 3,447,275.00
10 x minimum wage $ 6,894,550.00
15 x minimum wage $ 10,341,825.00
20 x minimum wage $ 13,789,100.00


Minimum wage equivalent Value
0.5 x minimum wage $ 11,490.92
1 minimum wage $ 22,981.83
2 x minimum wage $ 45,963.67
3 x minimum wage $ 68,945.50
4 x minimum wage $ 91,927.33
5 x minimum wage $ 114,909.17
10 x minimum wage $ 229,818.33
15 x minimum wage $ 344,727.50
20 x minimum wage $ 459,636.67
Colombia | 2016 - 2025 | Español